Northwood Builders Images

Bring Us Your Ideas & We'll Build Them

Whether you are looking for a layout that is uniquely compact, or large and complex, we can give you the results you need. Creating a custom house plan or creating unique designs is what we do best. Families come in different shapes and sizes - but a unique home is what brings them all together. We will work with your designs and ideas to bring your dream home to life!
Northwood Builders Images

Common Reasons Our Customers Choose Us

Northwood Builders Images
  • Building on a uniquely shaped piece of land
  • A sloped lot requiring a daylight basement or garage under addition
  • Narrow piece of land needing a completely custom design
  • Centering a home design around the beautiful view
  • Uniquely crafted multi-generational families that have personal living requirements
  • Those that have specific design ideas, but have a specific construction budget

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